Photo by JESHOOTS.COM on Unsplash
We are excited to share that our Board has decided to support the provision of before and after school care. This advertisement will be running in the local paper this week.
Expressions of Interest – Provision of Before & After School Care
Ararira Springs Primary School is a new school in Lincoln, opening in February 2019.
The Establishment Board of Trustees is seeking expressions of interest for the provision of before and after school care on-site at Ararira Springs during Term Time, commencing Term 1, 2019.
Expressions of Interest should be addressed to Claire Howison, Principal by email and be received by 4:00 p.m. on Friday, 14 September 2018. If you require additional information, please telephone Claire on 021 272 7472.
Claire Howison
Re before and after school programmes – it would be helpful if this started at 7am as many of these programmes start at 730, with drop offs taking time and driving into work for an 8am start this is not possible without a stressful start to the morning.
I think this is important for ensuring families have a great work life balance.