by Claire Howison | Jun 12, 2023 | Community, Curriculum, Newsletter
Coaching is an important part of Ararira learning for our teachers and our older ākonga. We see coaching as an opportunity to sit with a colleague or support person and in the first instance, check in. Secondly, it provides the coachee with the chance to be listened...
by Claire Howison | May 22, 2023 | Community, Curriculum, Newsletter, Parent Information
Peer Mediation Ararira Springs has adopted the peer mediation programme as it fits so strongly with our values of being caring, curious and capable. Peer mediators, selected from Year 7/8 classes, undergo a period of training based on the ‘Cool Schools Peer...
by Claire Howison | Apr 27, 2023 | Community, Curriculum, Newsletter, Parent Information
The curriculum taught in New Zealand schools is currently undergoing a refresh and changes to the eight curriculum learning areas will be phased in over the next three years (2023-2026). The first area to be redesigned and introduced into schools across the country is...
by Claire Howison | Mar 24, 2023 | Community, Newsletter, Parent Information
Payments and School Donations Our community’s socio-economic status means our school is not eligible for the government’s school donations scheme. Our equity index means we receive less operational funding than other schools. More information can be found at the...
by Claire Howison | Oct 19, 2022 | Community, Curriculum, Newsletter, Parent Information
The structured literacy spelling approach involves explicitly teaching tamariki how to encode (spell) the English language. It connects the reciprocal nature of reading and writing together. English is an Alphabetic Code It uses symbols of the alphabet (letters or...
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