Conferences Rooms A and B at Lincoln University were humming on Wednesday night as our community came together for the first of many planned gatherings. The Establishment Board and leadership team shared the school’s journey and development to date. The content from this can be seen via this link, Community Connect May 30-min.

Parents were then invited to share their thoughts and ideas on a range of topics that will inform curriculum development. Ideas brainstormed were:

  • What is so important for your child’s education that it can’t be left to chance?
  • What are the skills and attributes that are important for your child to have in the future?
  • What does powerful learning look like to you?
  • What is powerful to learn?
  • How can we help you gain a sense of belonging and fit as a parent at school?
  • What engages your child when they learn?
  • What are you aspirations and dreams for your children?

If you were unable to attend the session but would like to share your thoughts, please complete the following survey,

Our assistant principal, Blair Cook, joins the team mid-June. When he is on board we will advertise times where you are able to pop into our office on Ellesmere Junction Road and have a chat.

We look forward to meeting you if we haven’t already or just having chat if we have.

Claire Howison


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